Jennifer Coulibaly, Clinical Writing Specialist first came to WIN in 2014, in pursuit of doing an internship for her undergrad in social work. Her decision to intern at WIN changed her life completely. She was not prepared for the blessings that were coming her way! She was able to intern on the WIN Family Services Treatment Foster Care side working with the parent compliance manager. Jen really enjoyed the work that she did; even more, she loved the people that she worked with. Jen had recently moved to Maryland and knew no one, so being able to establish connections with the WIN family while interning was really huge for her. Shortly before she completed her internship, WIN Team offered her a job opportunity working in the clinical department at WIN’s psychiatric rehabilitation program. She was beyond excited and honored to be offered this position and was hired in March 2015. Jen’s new working environment was everything she needed and was hoping for. Her co-workers quickly became her family. They have her back not only for work related things, but also personal things. Jen thrives in her work environment; she loves the tasks that she is responsible for and feel blessed to be able to work at a job that she finds great pleasure in. Jen firmly believes that she works for a very generous CEO who cares for his employees and supports their advancement in their profession.
Being faith-based, being free to pray with co-workers/before meetings, and being able to practice our faith in the workplace is so important and encouraging to Jen. You don’t find a lot of agencies that support open display of practicing your beliefs and faith. After two years of working at WIN Team PRP, Jen decided to go back for her master’s degree in social work, and decided to pursue her internship experience back on the Treatment Foster Care side of WIN Family Services, doing case management with our foster youth. She really has come full circle at WIN. Jen feels like she started her social work profession here and is blessed to be able to continue the advancement of her skills working with the clients of WIN Family Services and WIN Team PRP. Jen wishes everyone had the opportunity to be employed at WIN and to experience being part of the WIN family. This is an agency like no other, a true diamond in the ruff. WIN is filled with people who love what they do and who work very hard to bring changes to the lives of individuals in the community.