WIN’s Therapeutic Wellness services were developed in response to the intense needs of individuals with mental health disabilities in Maryland. We provide psychiatric rehabilitation services (PRP) that improves the quality of life for youth and adults with mental and behavioral health challenges. The WIN Team utilizes strength-based and solution-focused training, counseling, and mentoring services designed to produce healing and restoration for individuals and families within their community.
Counseling Support Services
Why do we do it?
What do we do?
PRP is a very close relative to what is known in the human service industry as Wraparound Support. Our staff directly works with individual where he or she is most comfortable- in the home or a familiar place in the community -assisting the individual with removing barriers to healthy functioning. Psychiatric rehabilitation services are an extension to the therapeutic services an individual may be receiving currently. Our role is to support the psycho-therapeutic aspect of an individual’s mental health treatment by unpacking what happens internally, mentally, and emotionally in clients. Our rehabilitation services enlighten youth and adults on who they are, what their strengths and needs are, and help bring resolve to psychiatric symptoms.
How do we do it?
The WIN Team PRP utilizes a unique, strength-based approach that empowers and affirms individuals at every phase of their recovery. We help youth, adults and their families identify and utilize their inherent strengths, skills, and talents. Individuals are able to successfully live and work in the community and enjoy active, healthy lives.