WIN (acronym for ‘What I Need’) Family Health (formerly WIN Team) is a community behavioral health service provider that tailors specialized therapeutic treatment services to emotionally and behaviorally challenged youth, adults, and families.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services
Purpose & Mission
WIN’s Counseling Support Services (sometimes referred to as psychiatric rehabilitation) was developed in response to the intense needs of individuals with mental health disabilities who reside in Maryland. Our mission is to provide a variety of psychiatric rehabilitation services that improves the quality of life for youth, adults, and families with mental health challenges and social impairments. Our strengths-based/solution-focused trainings, counseling, and mentoring services are designed to produce healing and restoration for communities.
Our Team
Our Team is composed of a professional network of experienced, skilled, and licensed counselors, mentors, practitioners, clinicians, and trainers committed to supporting the holistic needs of youth, adults, and families through a Family Strengthening approach. WIN staff are effective communicators, liaisons, and advocates held to high accountability and ethical standards.
Scope of Work
Counseling Support Services (CSS) is a very close relative to what is known in the human service industry as Wraparound Support. It is a direct mental health service, in the client’s home and community, which assist clients with removing barriers to healthy functioning. Counseling Support Services are connected to pre-existing mental health services as an extension of the therapeutic clinical process. Our role is to support the psycho-therapeutic aspect of a client’s mental health treatment by unpacking what happens internally, mentally, and emotionally in clients. Our rehabilitation services enlighten youth and adults on who they are, what their strengths and needs are, and help bring resolve to psychiatric symptoms.
Philosophy of Care
Our philosophy of care is a strengths-based approach that empowers and affirms individuals at every phase of rehabilitation. By supporting youth and adults with identifying and utilizing their inherent strengths, skills, and talents, we help prepare them for healthy recovery and sustained rehabilitation. WIN holistically supports individuals with confronting personal challenges in a positive, proactive manner. A unique aspect of our approach to service delivery is our commitment to the Family Strengthening Practice model, an evidence-informed treatment model that support the holistic (spiritual, emotional, physical) development of youth, adults, and families.
Our Service
Rehabilitation team members build therapeutic relationships with youth and adult clients, and their supportive care networks, in an effort to facilitate interventions designed to achieve individualized goals and needs. Family Support Workers support youth and adults via monthly Family Meetings, one-on-one and small group visits, both in the community and at our office location. Structured On-Site Training activities further enhance individual rehabilitative goals.
Our Consumers
Our consumers are special and unique youth and adults who: meet the requirements of “medical necessity”; have a serious dysfunction in one or more life domains; is eligible to receive Medical Assistance in the state of Maryland; and is actively in or open to regular therapeutic treatment.