WIN Counseling Support Services offers a wide range of psychiatric rehabilitation services that help youth and adults become active, successful community members. Our services are designed to empower clients, and their families, with the skills and knowledge that will help them better manage their emotional well-being. Ultimately, our goal is to help clients feel good about themselves, their relationships, and their purpose in life.
Range of Services
12 Service Activities
WIN Counseling Support Services offers a wide range of psychiatric rehabilitation services that help youth and adults become active, successful community members. Our services are designed to empower clients, and their families, with the skills and knowledge that will help them better manage their emotional well-being. Ultimately, our goal is to help clients feel good about themselves, their relationships, and their purpose in life.
12 Service Activities
All client visits must be based on medical necessity and address individual rehabilitative goals and needs. WIN’s array of rehabilitation services are grouped into twelve different service categories. Below are general descriptions of each service category and examples of IRP goals/intervention:
(1) Promotion of Individual Wellness, Self-Management and Recovery
These rehabilitative interventions serve youth and adults by: (1) providing educational information regarding mental illness and recovery; (2) supporting individuals with identifying effective strategies that manage individual wellness; (3) assisting individuals with the identification of potentially challenging symptoms, warning signs of relapse, helpful interventions, and other individual’s available to support recovery. Through one-on-one mentoring and small group trainings, WIN clients receive services aimed to empower the rehabilitation and recovery of:
- Therapy participation and involvement
- Psychiatric treatment
- Performance and follow-through with therapy directives
- Linkage(s) to supportive people and resources
- Preventative strategies that maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Strategies for self-containment, self-advocacy, and self-management
- Promotion of wellness, as it relates to spiritual and/or cultural beliefs, traditions, and practices
- Alcohol & substance abuse prevention and recovery
- Emotional self-management techniques
(2) Self-Care Skills
These rehabilitative interventions increase the self-care skills of youth and adults and support their self-sufficiency efforts. Through one-on-one mentoring and small group trainings, WIN clients receive services aimed to empower the rehabilitation and recovery of:
- Personal hygiene and grooming
- Nutrition, dietary planning, and food preparation
- Housekeeping efforts, domestic skills, and management of living environment
- Clothing supply, organization, and management
- Personal bathroom/restroom etiquette and management
- Awareness and remediation of deteriorating conditions
- Proper sleeping and waking habits
(3) Social Skills
These rehabilitative interventions empower youth and adults with effective strategies for communicating and interacting with others, without undue conflict or disharmony. Through one-on-one mentoring and small group trainings, WIN clients receive services aimed to empower the rehabilitation and recovery of:
- Self-awareness & expression
- Verbal and non-verbal communication of thoughts & feelings
- Social conflict resolution and problem-solving techniques
- Social etiquette, norms, and conventions
- Proper display of personal affect and personality strengths
- Proper boundaries, relationships, and bonding in social settings
- Effective listening & conversational strategies
- Expression and recognition of empathy, compassion, and charity within oneself and others
- Basic understanding of common civil laws, processes, and procedures
- Strategies for accepting and complying with rules, limits, and consequences
- The ability to share, compromise, and negotiate
- Cultural diversity & gender differences
- Deflection of negative media & peer influences
- Improved community integration, natural supports, linkages, and activities
(4) Independent Living Skills
These rehabilitative interventions increase the semi-independent and independent living skills of youth and adults. Through one-on-one mentoring and small group trainings, WIN clients receive services aimed to empower the rehabilitation and recovery of:
- Housing stability
- Maintenance and upkeep of living environment
- Housing acquisition and negation
- Awareness and ability to navigate community resources and surroundings
- Personal mobility and transportation skills
- Money management strategies (banking, taxes, saving, budgeting, shopping)
- Access and utilization of entitlements and public support resources
- Obtaining and retaining employment
- Goal setting and appropriate decision-making
- Life skills related to day-to-day living independently and/or within a family structure
(5) Educational/Vocational Training; Obtain & Retain Employment
These rehabilitative interventions support academic, vocational, and employment goals of youth and adults. Through one-on-one mentoring and small group trainings, WIN clients receive services aimed to empower the rehabilitation and recovery of:
- Ability to contribute to an individualized educational/vocational plan
- Promising evaluations of educational/vocational aptitude and proficiency
- Enrollment and retention in educational/vocational programs
- Proper etiquette and protocol of educational/vocational environments
- Effective coping and management skills used within educational/vocational settings
- Effective employment acquisition skills – job search, resume writing, interview preparation
- Understanding employment expectations and responsibilities
- Improved attendance, involvement, and performance within academic and/or employment setting
- Effective strategies for mitigating disability in an academic or employment placement
(6) Social Relationships, Leisure Activities; Activities That Support Cultural Interests
These rehabilitative interventions increase the social relationships, leisure activities, and cultural interests of youth and adults. Through one-on-one mentoring and small group trainings, WIN clients receive services aimed to empower the rehabilitation and recovery of:
- Formation of appropriate, positive peer acceptance and friendships
- Social interaction and development of healthy relationships
- Strategies for healthy family functioning and interaction
- Participation in leisure activities related to individual interests and potential
- Collaboration with the personal and professional roles that support individual rehabilitation
- Identifying and expressing the meanings and intentions of social relationships
- Proper use an management of social media tools and the internet
- Interaction and exposure to gender differences and cultural diversity
- Effective strategies for interacting with authority figures in educational and vocational settings
- Encounters, interactions, and enactments that support family strengthening and family rehabilitation issues
(7) Health Promotion & Training; Medication Services
These rehabilitative interventions engage youth in health promotion activities, such as proper nutrition and exercise. Additionally, adults receive support with the self-administration and monitoring of medication. Through one-on-one mentoring and small group trainings, WIN clients receive services aimed to empower the rehabilitation and recovery of:
- Proper nutrition and exercise routine
- Self-administration and management of prescribed medication (ADULT only)
- Communicating to prescribing authority any problems related to medication (ADULT only)
- Increased education about the role and effects of medication in symptom management
- Physical health awareness and management
- Stress Management techniques
(8) Adaptive Equipment or Resources
These rehabilitative interventions empower the recovery of youth and adults through the following services:
- Assistance with understanding the prescribe operation and maintenance of health aid equipment
- Assistance with tangible resources that enhance individual wellness and rehabilitative health
(9) Other Factors That Pose A Challenge to the Individual’s Successful Recovery and Rehabilitation These rehabilitative interventions resolve an individualized challenge that directly poses a threat to the successful recovery and rehabilitation of a youth or adult’s diagnosis, goals, or wellness. One-on-one interventions are purposed to:
- Reduce serious experiences and/or dangerous obstacles that effect rehabilitation
- Reduce problematic behavior that requires the intense attention of school administrators
- Resolve individual challenges that prohibit successful rehabilitative progress
- Resolve undesirable family dynamics that impede rehabilitation and recovery progress
(10) Behaviors Potentially Dangerous To Self & Others
These rehabilitative interventions decrease the likelihood of the potentially dangerous behaviors of youth and adults. Through one-on-one mentoring and small group trainings, WIN clients receive services aimed to empower the rehabilitation and recovery of:
- Decreased display of behaviors deemed dangerous, threatening, alarming, or unsafe
- Conflict resolution, anger management, and other behavior management skills
- Self-management when interacting with peers and authority figures
- Appropriate personal safety behaviors when in community settings and social environments
- Time management behaviors (adherence to arrival times, attendance, and curfew)
- Constructive use of structured and unstructured independent time
- Age-appropriate boundaries and bonding skills
- Behaviors identified as potentially dangerous in the Rehabilitation Assessment, Individualized Rehabilitation Plan, therapy sessions, or as a result of the expected or identified behavior related to the clinical diagnosis.
(11) On-Call, Crisis Intervention, Access to Crisis Services
These rehabilitative interventions are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, by telephone, to a youth or adult admitted to the PRP. One-on-one interventions:
- Distribute and explain on-call staffing information and procedures
- Determine viable crisis intervention plan(s)
- Exposure to effective crisis intervention plans and practice with accessing crisis services
- Self-assessment and awareness of preliminary factors, related to individual mental health challenges, the typically lead to a crisis.
(12) Linkage with an Individual in a Psychiatric Inpatient Facility or Detention Center
These rehabilitative interventions support youth and adults who are enrolled into the program and admitted to a psychiatric inpatient facility or detention. Services are offered yet subject to approval by the institutional decision-makers. One-on-one interventions are purposed to:
- Support the successful transition to and/or from inpatient and detention facilities
- Coordinate rehabilitative services with the inpatient or detention facility
- Offer community linkage support for the individual and family
Standard Direct Service Visits
On-Site Activity – On-Site Activities are fun, intellectually stimulating enrichment opportunities for youth and adults. The first On-Site Activity for a newly enrolled client should be either a scheduled Job Assessment (Adult) or Academic Assessment (Youth) with the Education Coordinator. The Education Coordinator is available, by appointment only, to conduct one-on-one Assessments Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday between 5p.m. and 7p.m. Life Skills Trainings are typically held on Saturdays from 2p.m. to 3p.m. Whenever possible, On-Site Activities will be separated by age groupings.
Off-Site/Community Activity – Community activities empower youth and adults to use their strengths, talents, and interests in social environments. A community activity may take place at the client’s home or other appropriate community setting. Family meetings count as an Off-Site/Community Activity.
Follow-Up/Progress Meeting – Follow-Up/Progress meetings are a venue for the client’s immediate family/household members to discuss issues and strategize interventions for a pleasant living environment. Each family member is allowed to address his or her issues and concerns. Family meetings are also a time to monument successes with the client and among family members. Family meetings are primarily facilitated by the Rehabilitation Specialist or a seasoned Family Strengthening Specialist. They are held at a convenient time and location for all family members and Rehabilitation Team members.